Hello World!
Прывитанне, сусвет! – হ্যালো ওয়ার্ল্ড! – Вiтаэмо, свiт! – Olá, mundo! – Салям, дуне! – Моаршал хилда е дуне! – សួស្តីពិភពលោក! – Salam dünya! – Сәлам дөнья! – გამარჯობა მსოფლიო! – Բարեւ աշխարհը! – Әлемдік Сәлеметсіз бе! – Mba’éichapa, arapy! – ලෝකයටම ආයුබෝවන් – んにちは 世界! – Salamu, Dunia! – مرحباً بالعالم – Hallo Welt! – नमस्कार संसार! – Tere, maailm! – Bonjour le monde! – Hello World! – Aloha, honua! – வணக்கம்! – Dunyoni Salom! – Амыр-менди делегей! – Жакшы ба, телеге! – سلام نړۍ! – Kamusta mundo! – Ciao mondo! – Hej världen! – 세상 사람들 안녕! – Salutom, la mondo! – Hallo wereld! – Hola todo el Mundo! – ສະບາຍດີໂລກ! – Sveikas, pasáuli! – Halo, dunia! – Xin chào thế giới! – Γειά σου, Κόσμε! – สวัสดีชาวโลก – Salam heyat! – Сайн байна уу Дэлхий! – !שלום עולם – Salve, munde! – Hej, wereld! – Kaixo, mundu! – Witaj, świecie! – Dia dhuit, domhan – حوش امدیددنیا – Ahoj, světe! – Салют паче! – Helo byd! – Merhaba, dünya! – നമസ്കാരം ലോകം – Hei, verden! – Kaixo, mundu! – Sveiks, pasaule! – హలో ప్రపంచ! – Салом ҷаҳон! – હેલો વર્લ્ડ! – Szíastok, világ! – Hola, món! – 世界你好 – ကမ္ဘာမင်္ဂလာပါ! – Hei maailma! – Zdravo, svete! – سلام دنيا – Здравей,свят! – नमस्ते दुनिया – Привет, Мир!*
* Did not find the greeting in your language? Write to us – we’ll add it!

Friends! Our site finally welcomes you on the eve of the upcoming holiday! We are happy to present its full version for the first time. We invested a lot of energy and effort in this work and, finally, there comes a time to share the results. Please receive this website as our main gift on the occasion of the approaching New Year. Happy New Year and thank you for being with us!
We have outlined a small road map to make your acquaintance with the website easier. It will help you in express acquaintance with its most interesting sections.
Our new website, dear friends, as well as the Mama Ro Apartments project itself, stands on three pillars: the story BEFORE the birth of the project, the story AFTER and the dry residue. The result of the two stories is the Mama Ro product.
The story before the birth of the project is the World of Mama Ro. It’s a kind of chronicle encrypted in the full version of our logo. Go to the section: here you will learn how the project was born, get acquainted with its concept and be able to simply have fun by walking around the Mama Ro planet. Especially for this we have created several interactive toys in this section.
“World of Mama Ro”
is a kind of chronicle
encrypted in the full
version of our logo.
The story after the birth of the project is 15 original fairy tales-legends that led to the creation of each of the Mama Ro studios (Studios 1 and 2 have a common legend). All of these stories we have been grouped into one image: The Tree of Legends. The image of the “tree” is comes from the fact that the tree since the ancient times has been a metaphor of growth, life. Because the project logo began with the oak branch with kids. And because the tree for the children is often a place for building their own house, the first time when they make the place cozy themselves. The Mama Ro project does the same thing.
Go to the section to learn the stories of the Mama Ro studios. As in the previous section, we have provided here its interactivity as well.
The tree for the children
is often a place for building
their own house, the first time
when they make the place cozy
themselves. The Mama Ro
project does the same thing.
Dry Residue
The result of the two stories is the dry residue which is the studios themselves, our product. Return to the home page and go down where each of them are at your disposal. We worked out the studios pages with maximum detail so you do not miss anything when preparing for your trip. Check it out:
What else?
Got to the Routes section. We have always believed that our guests rent not just an interior in the building but also a piece of the world around- all available in a walking distance. That is why we always look at what is close to the location, learn the history of the place, collect all the information and pass to you. See how it looks here:
We have
always believed that
our guests rent not just an
interior in the building but also
a piece of the world around – all
available in a walking distance.
Why is the project called Mama Ro?
All the previous sections will exhaustively tell you about the project, but if you still have questions, where it all came from you will find the the missing answers in the Massmedia section. Including the mostly asked question: “Why is the project called Mama Ro?”
With great enthusiasm and joy we pass to you our website. May it gives you only the best impressions! Please do not judge strictly. In case you are missing something write us and we will fix it! Happy New Year to all!
Yours Mama Ro.