Mama Ro at Patriarch’s is located near the Patriarch’s Pond made famous by the Mikhail Bulgakov novel “The Master and Margarita”. Today it’s surrounded by cafes and bars to suit all tastes. It’s a 15-minute walk to Tverskaya, the main street of the capital, to the Kremlin, to the Moscow Planetarium and Moscow Zoo, to Arbat street and New Arbat Avenue, to the IMAX-cinema “October” and the nightlife of Moscow. All these landmarks are included as a nice bonus when selecting either of the two studios at Mama Ro at the Patriarch’s.
The first two Mama Ro studios successfully operated for 3 years and 5 months with an average annual load of 98,08% (find more info: here>). The studios have worked out their resources and are currently closed. However, we decided to keep them on the website so you can see how this project had started.
The first two Mama Ro
studios successfully operated
for 3 years and 5 months with
an average annual load of
98,08% (find more info: here>).
The studios have worked out
their resources and are currently
closed. However, we decided
to keep them on the website
so you can see how this
project had started.
The first two Mama Ro
studios successfully operated
for 3 years and 5 months with
an average annual load of
98,08% (find more info: here>).
The studios have worked out
their resources and are currently
closed. However, we decided
to keep them on the website
so you can see how this
project had started.
were located here.

Find us:
The quickest way to get to the center of any airport of Moscow – high-speed express train (journey time – 35 to 45 minutes). Check schedules and prices, please visit the Aeroexpress . Upon arrival in the city, use the metro.
We are at the “Pushkinskaya” metro station. Average journey time by any of the / Railway station Moscow to m “Pushkinskaya”: 15 minutes. The Moscow Metro map is available here >
Walking from the subway
Walking route from the metro to Mama Ro Apartments takes about 10 minutes. You need to go to McDonald’s, then use the 3D graphics card (see picture). Please note that the entrance to the building – from Spiridonievsky lane d.2 (also known as Building 22 Street Spiridonovka). The house has a large arch (see picture) – step inside and turn right to the last door. Here you will meet our administrator (required stipulate a meeting time in advance).
By car
To get directions with Google or Yandex Maps, type in the search box: Mama Ro Patriarch’s (for Google Maps) or Мама Ро Патриаршие (Yandex maps).
The first two Mama Ro
studios successfully operated
for 3 years and 5 months with
an average annual load of
98,08% (find more info: here>).
The studios have worked out
their resources and are currently
closed. However, we decided
to keep them on the website
so you can see how this
project had started.